Thursday, May 8, 2014

Journal Facebook Revised

I have a Facebook and I use it quite a bit. I use it to stay in touch with friends, up to date on sports, and stay "in the know" on other events.  It is convenient to talk with people who don't know how to text message very well (older generations).  I don't use any other types of social media, except for Snapchat, but maybe someday I'll get a LinkdIn.  I will wait until I become a big business man first though.  Right now I do not have a Twitter, Instagram, Kik, Myspace, or any other type of networking because I think that most of them are stupid and a waste of time.  They do have their time and place but for the most part social media is over used now days.  Generally people are always attached to their phones - which now have access to internet, and when the battery power gets scares, they can only travel four feet from any given wall.  The amount of people that go outside and play sports is not what it was even in the early 2000’s, when I was just starting elementary school.  I personally think that social media is getting out of hand.

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